Support - North America and Pacific
Unlimited support is included with all
McNeel products.
Getting Started
Training and tutorials
Related communities
Forum, Email, Chat, or Call
- Forum
- The Flamingo nXt forum is monitored 24x7 by experts around
the world. It is usually the quickest and highest quality
support available.
- Please email us when you have something that is of a more
confidential nature. We can usually get back to you quickly
during our Seattle office hours*.
Chat - For a quick question during Seattle office
hours*, chat can be quick and very efficient.
- Phone - To help us clearly understand your problem,
please call (206) 545-6877 during Seattle office
hours*. We would be delighted to hear from you.
- Frequently asked support questions and troubleshooting
- Register
your license to receive important support and upgrade notices.
*Seattle Office Hours - Monday-Friday,
8-noon and 1-5pm Pacific Time. Closed most holidays.
If none of the above works, contact
me directly.
Email or
call (206) 634-4577. I'll try to find someone that can help.
- Bob McNeel